Orlando Wines is located in Barossa Valley, South Australia. The Shiraz grapes in this production area are recognized as the most outstanding variety in the world. Here, countless internationally renowned wineries have been cultivated, including Penfolds, Hare's Chase, Jacobs Creek, Rosemount, etc. Orlando Wines is the first commercial winery in Barossa Valley and now belongs to RPI winery group.
Orlando is one of the oldest wine companies in the entire Barossa Valley, founded in 1847. Its most famous brand is Jacobs Creek, which was first released under this brand in 1976. Nowadays, Orlando has packaged Jacobs Creek wines into unique Australian products and promoted them to more than 50 export markets around the world with an international marketing strategy. It is one of the most successful wine exporters in Australia. Up to today, the export volume of Orlando's wine business has accounted for 80% of its own sales volume, and it is a leading brand in the UK, New Zealand, and the Asian market.
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